What is XSS ?
Cross-Site Scripting;
injects client-side executable code into web applications.
The three conditions for XSS :
A Web application accepts user input;
The input is used to create dynamic content;
The input is insufficiently validated.
XSS Attacks
gather data from account hijacking;
changing of user settings;
cookie theft/poisoning;
false advertising ;
scanning for other vulnerabilities and performing a Denial of Service on your web server.
How XSS works?
An attacker injects some code;
the web application saves it and displays it on a page;
later presented to a victim.
XSS Prevention
- do whitelist input filtering instead of blacklist;
blacklist based filtering;
- Cross-site request forgery
Classic CSRF attack
- User visits victim site
- log in;
- User loads attacker’s site
- Or encounters attacker’siframe on another site;
- Attacker sends HTTP requests to victim
- Victim site assumesrequests originatefrom itself
CSRF Defenses
- Secret Validation Token;
- use frameworks like Rails
- Referer Validation Defence;
- works over HTTPS
- Custom Header Defense;
- for AJAX